Whey can take up to 1.5 hrs to absorb, and you only absorb up to 10g of your powder, which means you’re wasting half your dose when you take it. You may even need to take digestive enzymes with it to help it absorb. If we add those plus the price of your whey powder, that’s one expensive drink.
Collagen starts to absorb nearly straight away as it is already in a pre-digestible form – hydrolysed Collagen. It is making sense that in the long term, you save money, waste less, and get more protein absorption from your product.
Whey and Collagen both increase muscle mass, help performance, and recovery. But why would you have whey protein when Collagen does a whole stack of other stuff. As we age, Collagen naturally reduces. Our muscles are made of up to 10% collagen. We need it to keep our muscle bulk up. So for people 30+, it is the bomb.
Collagen heals the gut lining, and in many people, whey protein inflames it and causes tummy upsets and diarrhea. If our gut can affect every other system in our body, why would we even risk it?
Collagen is anti-inflammatory, and Whey is inflammatory. So when you’re living life or training hard, it’s essential to keep inflammation at bay and be able to recover speedily. Collagen is proven to heal injuries and help with joint pain from exercise and arthritis. So another tick for Collagen over Whey.
Strong bones are another area of research in that Collagen has been a winner. As we age, our bones reduce in density, making them weak and increasing injury potential. So we can protect ourselves from bone diseases just by taking Collagen.
Collagen is found to be more effective for body composition and decreasing our fat mass. Collagen is pretty awesome, considering that weight loss is one of the biggest epidemics in our modern era. The rate of overweight and obese people has tripled since 1975. Up to 75% of Australian adults are obese – more men than women. Woah….better start drinking Collagen. It fills you up more than Whey, so you eat less during the day.
Let’s not forget that Collagen is also proven to be excellent for wrinkles, skin elasticity, and cellulite. Lots of people take Collagen just for these reasons and no other.
So when you understand all the outstanding actions Collagen has on the human body, is it any wonder we use it in our blends.
We are determined to use the best products proven with research—the ones we want to take. The studies are there for all to see.
We refuse to use substandard products cheap to manufacture and bump up the price to make a quick buck. We are not those people.
We also refuse to take advantage of people’s ignorance when it comes to protein or any other supplements. There is no integrity in that. We want to use people’s intelligence by providing the best up-to-date information – knowledge is power.